

Renaissance Mindmap by Liana
Liana Ghiberti
Mind Map by Liana Ghiberti, updated more than 1 year ago
Liana Ghiberti
Created by Liana Ghiberti almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Ancient Greece and Rome


    • The people during the Renaissance were fascinated by the ideas and artistic styles of Ancient Greece and Rome.
    1. Florence, Italy


      • The start of the Renaissance was in Florence, Italy for it's location where many people passed through and had brought ideas from Ancient Greece and Rome.
      1. Trade and Travels


        • Through trading and traveling people were able to receive and exchange ideas.
        1. Change


          • Change was important because as the Renaissance arrived many ideas and things have changed throughout the time.
          1. Rebirth of Classical Ideas


            • People during the renaissance had learned about the ideas and ways of Ancient Greece and Rome and adopted them into their lives. They learned from the ideas and changed them to fit their current lives. Humanism at this time was also brought up once again.
            1. Humanism and Independent Thinking


              • Independent thinking and Humanism told people not to believe in everything and try to think for themselves and question certain things that others may say.
              1. Politics


                • The politics in Florence during the Renaissance was the start of Democracy.
                1. Power of the Church and Kings Challenged


                  • The power of the Church and Kings were challenged because of society starting to have a Democratic government, and it was also challenged because of humanism gaining popularity. Humanists taught people to question everything, however the church had taught everyone to ask no questions about their authority.
                  1. Patrons


                    • Patrons during the Renaissance helped artists to continue to create great art. The Medici family were patrons of art.
                    1. The Medici Family


                      • The Medici family was very rich and they had supported lots of art during the Renaissance.
                      1. Machiavelli


                        • Machiavelli was a historian who is often considered the found of political sciences.
                      2. Ideas
                        1. Arts
                          1. Non-Religious Themes


                            • Before the Renaissance during the Medieval period all art were religious themed, but during the Renaissance more people began to create art and literature about everyday life rather than only religion.
                            1. Sculpting


                              • Most artists during the Renaissance were sculptors or painters.
                              1. Michelangelo


                                • He was a famous painter, sculptor, architect, and poet who is well known for his sculpture of David.
                                1. Donatello


                                  • He was a sculptor during the early Renaissance who worked with bronze, wood, stone, and clay. He had influenced Michelangelo.
                                2. Painting


                                  • During the Renaissance there were lots of paintings that were made and many of them very famous. Most artists were either Sculptors or Painters.
                                  1. Perspective


                                    • During the Renaissance the use of perspective was developed. The artists started painting with more perspective which made the paintings appear more life-like, nicer, and popped-out more.
                                    1. Raphael


                                      • He was an Italian painter whose art was admired for being peaceful, smooth, and had clarity in it.
                                  2. Architecture


                                    • Renaissance architects used Ancient Greek and Roman ideas to model their buildings after. To this day some of the concepts are still used.
                                    1. Brunelleschi


                                      • Brunelleschi achieved one of the greatest achievement in the world by being the first one to build a dome without using beams or columns to support.
                                    2. Science


                                      • Science had helped artists in figuring out perspective and other ways to make paintings more lifelike, and also helped people figure out more about astronomy and anatomy.
                                      1. Galileo


                                        • Galileo continued on Copernicus' theory about the earth revolving around the sun and had been called the Father of Science.
                                        1. Copernicus


                                          • Copernicus was a Polish scientist that believed that the earth revolved around the sun instead of the other way. The church had went against him because of this belief.
                                          1. Vesalius


                                            • He had made many discoveries about the human body by doing multiple experiments on cadavers. He wrote a book that is now considered the first modern medical textbook.
                                          2. Literature


                                            • During the Renaissance people started writing about different topics such as their lives and fiction besides only writing about religious topics.
                                            1. Gutenberg


                                              • Gutenberg was the inventor of the printing press in Europe, without the printing press the bible and other written works would not have been able to be so popular and widespread.
                                              1. The Printing Press


                                                • The printing press was invented by Gutenberg. Before it was created, people had to copy books by hand, but with the printer people could create many copies of the books easily.
                                                1. Famous Printed Bible


                                                  • The printed bible was easy to acquire and it is very neat with almost no mistakes. It was printed with Gutenberg's printing press
                                              2. Shakespeare


                                                • Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet who is very well known till this day.
                                                1. Petrarch


                                                  • He was an Italian scholar and poet who was called "The Father of Humanism." He is credited for starting the renaissance after finding old documents.
                                                2. Leonardo da Vinci


                                                  • Da Vinci is one of the most well known and brilliant people during the Renaissance. He is a great artist, scientist, sculptor, inventor, and engineer.
                                                  1. Arts


                                                    • Da Vinci creted two very famous works, The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
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