Health & Social Care Revision


Health and social mindmap revision
Tanisha Lloyd
Mind Map by Tanisha Lloyd, updated more than 1 year ago
Tanisha Lloyd
Created by Tanisha Lloyd over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Health & Social Care Revision
  1. PIES
    1. Emotional
      1. Ability to cope with feelings towards yourself and others.
        1. Examples of emotional development: self-image, security and bonding and attachment
        2. Intellectual
          1. The development of language, memory and thinking skills.
            1. Examples of intellectual development is: language development, problem solving and memory.
          2. Physical
            1. Growth and other physical changes that happen to our body throughout life.
              1. Examples of physical development is: walking, running, growth.
            2. social
              1. The ability to form friendships and relationships and to learn to be independent.
                1. Examples of social development is: friendships and relationships.
            3. Fine motor skills.
              1. Ability to move smaller muscles such as hands and fingers.
                1. Examples of fine motor skills are: feed self and finger painting.
              2. Gross motor skills.
                1. Ability to move the bigger muscles/limbs such as arms and legs.
                  1. Examples of gross motor skills: playing catch and push and pull toys.
                2. Expected life event.
                  1. An expected life event is an event that you know will happen.
                    1. Examples of expected life events is: parenthood, getting a job and starting school
                  2. Unexpected life event.
                    1. An unexpected life event is an event that you are not expecting to happen.
                      1. Examples of unexpected life events is: death of a partner or a relative, being excluded from school and imprisonment.
                    2. Life stages.
                      1. Infancy 0-2 years.
                        1. Physical=grow, crawl, walk and run Intellectual= talking Emotional= separation anxiety, social= going to nursery.
                        2. Adolescence 9-18 years.
                          1. Physical= puberty Intellectual= learn new skills Emotional= self-image Social= going out with friends
                          2. Early adulthood 19-45 years.
                            1. Physical= reach full height and strength Intellectual= going to college or further education Emotional= have close relationships with others Social= meet new friends through work.
                            2. Early childhood 3-8 years.
                              1. Physical= running and balance Intellectual- solve problems Emotional= able to start to cope with own feelings, Social= develop a wider circle of friends.
                              2. Later adulthood 65+ years.
                                1. Physical= mobility Intellectual= Alzheimer's disease Emotional= loss of close family members or partner/ friends Social= social isolation.
                                2. Middle adulthood 46-64 years.
                                  1. Physical= begin to lose muscle tone and strength Intellectual= slower reflections Emotional= menopause Social= leisure activities and build new relationships
                                3. Life style choice
                                  1. The decision you make can have an impact on your daily life.
                                    1. Examples of a life style choice is diet, alcohol, drugs and exercise
                                  2. Types of support
                                    1. Formal
                                      1. Physical or emotional support from a trained professional.
                                        1. For example: counselling
                                      2. Informal
                                        1. Unpaid physical and emotional support from family and friends.
                                          1. For example: support with day to day care needs such as mobility and shopping.
                                      3. Growth and physiological change
                                        1. Physiological means physical changes that take place throughout the life stages.
                                          1. Growth describes and increase in height and weight.
                                            1. Growth spurts: periods of fast growth.
                                          2. Language development:
                                            1. Language development is needed for thinking and learning.
                                              1. Language development infancy: can follow instructions and link two words.
                                                1. Language development in early childhood: speech is clearer and uses simple sentences.
                                                  1. Language development in adolescence: uses imagination to explore new ideas and continues to develop vocabulary.
                                                  2. Moral development.
                                                    1. Moral development is about the values that individuals develop.
                                                      1. Moral development in infancy: at the age of 0-2 infants are egocentric which means they can only see the world from their own view point.
                                                        1. Moral development in early childhood: begin to follow basic rules.
                                                          1. Moral development in adolescence: understand fairness and understand own values.
                                                          2. Genetic inheritance
                                                            1. Genetic inheritance is the passing of genes from parents to children. This influences a persons physical features and characteristics.
                                                              1. Examples of genetic characteristics is: height, skin colour, hair and eye colour.
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