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Robert Frost- "Out-Out"
Mind Map on Robert Frost- "Out-Out", created by catherine shiels on 23/04/2013.
Mind Map by
catherine shiels
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
catherine shiels
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Robert Frost- "Out-Out"
Narrative poem describing the tragic death or a farm boy
He was sawing a log when he got distracted & the saw severed his h and.
His sister witnessed the accident.
He died as a result of shock and loss of blood
Inspiration taken from a newspaper report about a young boy killed in a farm accident
Reported in March 1920
Narrative account spoken by narrator
Title taken from Macbeth
Harsh realities of rural labour
Pressures on children doing adult work
Hard-headed approach to rural work doesn't account for youth
Attitude of rural folk to death
Some people treat human life as insignificant
The shortness of Life
Rural folk oblivious to the beauty of nature surrounding them
Ambivalent view of nature
Form & Structure
Narrative account
one verse paragraph
poem doesnt rhyme
Regular rhythm at first (4 beats)
Rhythm shifts in line 7 to resemble the sound of the saw
Frequent use of caesura give the feel of natural speech
Frost deliberately spoiled the rhythm with his punctuation
towards the end the rhythm is shattered like the boy's life
Broken rhythm imitates the wayward/wild pulse and fading life of the dying boy
Shortness of his life is indicated by the short "So"
Language & Imagery
"The buzz saw snarled and rattled in the yard"
Threatening nature of the saw conveyed in "snarled" & "rattled"
Personification- comparable to a savage animal
Onomatopoeia - sounds imitate the sound of a sawing machine
"sweet scented stuff. . ."
Sibilance - conveys an aural image of the scented breeze
"...those that lifted their eyes"
suggests that farmers rarely took the time to appreciate nature - a tension in his role as a farmer & poet
Repetition of "snarled" & "rattled"
recreates the repetitive sawing action/sound of the saw
emphasises savage nature of the saw
Saw represents how man uses modern technology to control and obliterate nature
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