The heir to the Austrian
throne. Archduke Franz
Ferdinand, is assassinated in
Bosinia on 28th June.
The Russian army gets ready to help
Serbia defend itself against the Austrian
Germany sends a demand to
Russia to saty back from
helping Germans.
Austria declares war on Serbia.
Germany declared war on france and
invades Neutral Belgium. Britain
orders Germany to withdraw from
The Germans are still in
Belgium. Britain declares
war on Germany.
Germany declares war on Russia. It
also begins to move its army towards
France and Belgium.
Austria blames
Serbia for the killing
of Archduke
The French army is put on a
war footing ready to fight
any German invasion.
The Victorian city
Demographic changes, 1750-
The death rate
decreased because
people were becoming
more hygienic.
Living conditions improved
The time to get to London to
Edinburgh shortened down the
School was compulsory for all
five to twelve both boys and
Improvements in
Vaccination was
introduced in 1796.
The birth rate
increased and
the death rate
Women were taxed for
drinking Gin. This means that
the birth rate increased and
the death rate decreased.
The Public health act
was introduced 1848
and in 1875. This was
another reason why
the birth rate
increased and the
death rate decreased
because people were
becoming more
In an attempt to control the living and working environment of the
people, the government aimed to improve public health by passing a
number of new laws. To help you remember these Acts you can
classify them in various ways: hygiene, housing, working conditions
and medical care. You can also divide them into those Acts which:
forced people to take action, only encouraged them to do something,
set up national standards, were aimed at local governments, only
dealt with one thing others included a wide range of topics.
Living conditions
Back to back housing: Are terraced form
houses, which are built in a grid system
and they share a rear wall
Celler Dwellings: Are one room
cellars below ground level, which
are damp and poorly ventilated.
Privies: Are toilets, which are
outside of the house
Cesspools: Are containers
which were used to collect
human excretion.
Night soil collectors are men who
work at night collecting full
Examples: Swage problems,
pollution, houses were not built up
to standards, cellar dwellings were
damp, overcrowded building, dirty
streets and privies were poorly built
and to close to water.