These are some of the advantages of sexual reproduction:
introduces variation into a population the species can adapt
to new environments a disease is less likely to affect all the
individuals in a population
These are some of the disadvantages of sexual reproduction: time and energy are needed to find a mate
not possible for an isolated individual
Two parents are needed in sexual reproduction, and the offspring produced are genetically different
to the parents.
Asexual reproduction
The advantages of asexual reproduction include: population can increase rapidly can exploit a
suitable habitat quickly
The disadvantages include: does not lead to variation in a population the species may only be suited
to one habitat disease may affect all the individuals in a population
Only one parent is needed in asexual reproduction, and the offspring produced are genetically
identical, eg reproduction in bacteria, production of spores by fungi, and the formation of tubers in
potatoes and bulbs in daffodils.