Zen Buddhism


Mind Map on Zen Buddhism, created by Alice Jade Court on 19/05/2016.
Alice Jade Court
Mind Map by Alice Jade Court, updated more than 1 year ago
Alice Jade Court
Created by Alice Jade Court almost 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resource summary

Zen Buddhism
  1. Influences
    1. Chinese Culture
      1. Confucianism
        1. Developed by Confucius
          1. Implemented in Chinese culture
            1. The Six Relationships
              1. One is inferior to the other
              2. Society based on individuals as part of a community
              3. Community
                1. Similarities to the Sangha
              4. Japanese Culture
                1. Shinto
                  1. Nature
                    1. Shrines
                      1. Festivals
                        1. Nature Gods
                        2. Traditional Japanese Beliefs
                          1. Ancestor Worship
                            1. Customs
                          2. Mahayana Buddhism
                            1. Tathagatagharba
                              1. Yogacara
                                1. Madhyamaka
                              2. Origins of Zen
                                1. The Turning of the Lotus Flower
                                  1. Only one Monk understood
                                2. Satori
                                  1. Flashes of Satori
                                    1. Occurs during mundane activities
                                      1. Housework
                                        1. Cleaning
                                        2. Similar to Nirvana
                                        3. Practices of the Zen Buddhist
                                          1. Meditation
                                            1. Rinzai
                                              1. The Violent Way
                                                1. Meditation that lasts a long time
                                              2. Soto
                                                1. The Calm Way
                                                  1. Peaceful meditation with absolute focus
                                              3. Koans
                                                1. Riddles
                                                  1. Given to the student from the master
                                                    1. Can be practiced over the course of much time
                                                    2. Development of the mind
                                                      1. Encourages flashes of Satori
                                                    3. Zen Art
                                                      1. Simple circles
                                                        1. All Zen Art is incredible simplistic yet time-consuming
                                                      2. All practice encourage the mind to focus
                                                      3. Similarities between various Buddhist denominations
                                                        1. Is based on Mahayana not Theravada
                                                          1. Pure Land
                                                            1. Chanting
                                                              1. Off-shoot of Mahayana
                                                              2. Mahayana Buddhism
                                                                1. Boddhisattva Doctrine
                                                                  1. For the benefit of all, not just the self
                                                                    1. Rebirths continue after enlightenment
                                                                      1. Until everyone has reached enlightenment
                                                                    2. The Three Philosophical Schools
                                                                      1. Inner Buddha nature
                                                                        1. No independence
                                                                          1. All the same; no-one is unique
                                                                      2. Is Zen Buddhism really Buddhist at all?
                                                                        1. Too extreme to be Buddhist
                                                                          1. Rinzai
                                                                            1. An elimination of the middle way
                                                                              1. Therefore an elimination of the centre point of Buddhist belief
                                                                          2. No focus on key beliefs
                                                                            1. Forgets the doctrine of no soul and impermanence
                                                                              1. Barely mentions Boddhisattva
                                                                                1. Only mentions Satori; no Nirvana
                                                                                  1. Therefore no Four Noble Truths
                                                                                  2. More in common with Confucianism and Shinto
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