GCSE Revision (Plastics detailed) AQA specification


Detailed plastics mindmap
T Andrews
Mind Map by T Andrews, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by fampulli over 10 years ago
T Andrews
Copied by T Andrews almost 9 years ago
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Resource summary

GCSE Revision (Plastics detailed) AQA specification
  1. two types
    1. thermo-plastics
      1. get soft when heated, allowing their shape to change- will harden in new shape
        1. flxible
          1. Most, plastics- available in sheets or pellet form
            1. hundreds of diff types
              1. acrylic
                1. hard-wearing transparent or opaque
                  1. Display Signs
                    1. Roof Lights
                      1. Machine Guards
                      2. nylon
                        1. clothes
                          1. bearings
                            1. gears
                            2. polypropylene
                              1. medical syringes
                                1. rope
                                  1. crates
                                    1. storage boxes
                                    2. Polythene (HDPE)
                                      1. Pipes
                                        1. Milk crates
                                          1. Buckets
                                          2. High impact Polystyrene (HIPS)
                                            1. Vacuum forming in schools
                                              1. Casing for electronic products
                                                1. Packaging
                                                2. Expanded Polystyrene
                                                  1. Soft and spongy, good insulator
                                                    1. Sound and heat insulation
                                                      1. Ceiling Tiles
                                                        1. Packaging
                                                  2. thermo-sets
                                                    1. once formed, cannot be changed using heat
                                                      1. products that are heat-resitant and keep their shape
                                                        1. Urea/Phenol Formaldehyde
                                                          1. electrical sockets/plugs
                                                          2. Melamine Formaldehyde
                                                            1. hard, rigid and strong- plastic bowls, laminated surfaces
                                                            2. exoxy resin and polyester resin
                                                              1. reinforced with glass fibre- canoes
                                                                1. good chem resitance, but can be brittle
                                                              2. are normally available as different chemicals to mix together
                                                                1. hard and rigid
                                                                  1. cannot normally be recycled
                                                              3. most made form crude oil
                                                                1. most are synthetic materials
                                                                  1. man- made, using chemical processes
                                                                  2. drilling deep into ground/ sea
                                                                    1. broken down into simple parts: monomers
                                                                      1. attached together to form polymers: the pure form of any plastic
                                                                      2. non-renewable
                                                                        1. pollution and damage to environment
                                                                          1. plastics often end up buried in landfill- and they take 100s of years to break down- so this is a problem
                                                                            1. but some are made form bio-degradable sustainable sources
                                                                            2. Forming plastics
                                                                              1. Blow Moulding
                                                                                1. Rotational Moulding
                                                                                  1. Injection Moulding
                                                                                    1. Vacuum Forming
                                                                                      1. Extrusion
                                                                                        1. Strip Heating
                                                                                        2. Natural
                                                                                          1. Latex
                                                                                            1. Amber
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                                                                                            1 comment

                                                                                            about 5 years ago
                                                                                            Great, very useful and now i will do good in my gcse's


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