nanite solutions


Mind Map on nanite solutions, created by praveen_kulkarni on 17/02/2014.
Mind Map by praveen_kulkarni, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by praveen_kulkarni over 10 years ago

Resource summary

nanite solutions
  1. Products
    1. Apps
      1. Mobile Apps
        1. Payment Solutions
          1. RideSharing
            1. Cab Booking
              1. FoodCourt
                1. Learn .Net
                  1. Learn Java / Mobile
                2. Services
                  1. High End Consulting
                    1. Architectural Solutions
                      1. Performance Analysis & Design
                        1. Security Solution & Design
                          1. Architecture Reviews
                          2. Process Solutions
                            1. Mobile Strategy
                            2. Testing
                              1. Corporate Training
                                1. Mobile Testing
                                2. website
                                  1. Technology
                                    1. UI Design
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