

A-Level Psychology Mind Map on Nicotine, created by Rebecca Johnstone on 01/06/2016.
Rebecca Johnstone
Mind Map by Rebecca Johnstone, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Johnstone
Created by Rebecca Johnstone over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Mode of action
    1. 1- nicotine acts upon the nicotine receptors in the CNS and NS
      1. 2- acetylcholine is stimulated and then its receptors are disabled
        1. 3- increases levels of norepinephrine
          1. 4-increased endorphin levels leads to anxiety
          2. effects
            1. long term
              1. the lungs become coated in tar which reduces efficiency
                1. heart problems
                2. short term
                  1. relaxation
                    1. mild euphoria
                      1. improves attention and problem solving skills
                        1. improves memory
                          1. decreases anxiety
                        2. Withdrawl
                          1. desire for oral gratification
                            1. anxiety
                              1. poor concentration
                                1. memory problems
                                  1. depression
                                    1. sleeping problems
                                      1. sleeping problems
                                        1. increased appetite
                                        2. Tolerance
                                          1. quickly leads to tolerance. Smokers will need more nicotine to get the effects, smokers usually start to increase their use of cigarettes in a short time
                                          2. Dependency
                                            1. Physical
                                              1. is addictive and the brain changes to the extent that nicotine is needed for normal functioning
                                              2. psychological
                                                1. the individual will become used to the oral stimulation and without it would need to substitute something else e.g eating
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