How does/could the disaster impact rescuers ability to provide help?


Mind Map on How does/could the disaster impact rescuers ability to provide help?, created by antonio.isaacs on 20/02/2014.
Mind Map by antonio.isaacs, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by antonio.isaacs over 10 years ago

Resource summary

How does/could the disaster impact rescuers ability to provide help?
  1. Evacuation: - Rescuers Have to evacuate people under a certain amount of time -1000 people were evacuated during the Indonesian Volcano eruption
    1. If residents are not evacuated quickly and safely. Both the rescuers and the residents may be in danger.
      1. Aircraft: -when flying in an aircraft after an eruption it can be very dangerous - Volcanic ash can blind the pilots view -Ash, gases and other materials may not be good for the aircraft engine and it may malfunction
        1. Rescuers need to be aware of their surroundings -Lava can cover streets and areas where rescuers may go -They have to have the proper gear or they might severely burn themselves
          1. Proper Gear: -Machinery to get rid of volcanic ash - protective wear (eye, feet, head)
      2. Volcano eruption: -A volcano can have a after shock such as a explosion -This can put rescuers at danger
        1. Volcanic ash: -Volcanic ash can cause respiratory problems - Can cause vision problems
          1. Volcanic gases: -Volcanic gases contains toxic materials -Hydrogen sulphide or any acidic acids can be deadly
            1. Rescuers need to wait until some deadly gases have dissipated before they can go in certain areas.
              1. Hot gases can speed down the volcano very fast and if you are caught in it this can kill you. Rescuers need to be careful where they are because they will be putting their own lives at risk.
              2. If people have asthma or on oxygen tanks the volcanic ash and gases could be deadly.
              3. Before an eruption molten rock rise's up to the earths surface and can cause a minor earthquake
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