Discuss the influence of culture on romantic relationships
et al 1993
In individualist cultures, formation of relationships is
based on freedom of choice as there's more social
mobility and urban centres. Collectivist cultures lead to
relationships based on concerns of the family or group
Levine et
al 1995
Investigated love as a basis for marriage in 11
countries. Ppts asked if they'd marry without love, 14%
in individualist USA, 34% in collectivist Thailand would
Seepersad et al 2008
West is more focused on relationships, so young people that aren't in relationships are more lonely than those in collectivist cultures
227 USA & Korean ppts, USA ppts more lonely if
not in relationship than single Korean ppts
Korean ppts relied on family for social interaction,
USA relied more on friends and partners
Arranged marriages aren't always worse
Over half of couples in
arranged marriages
said they'd fallen in
love since marriage
Myers et al
Indian couples in arranged marriages had no
difference in marital satisfaction than USA couples
Xhiaohe and Whyte
Arranged marriages in China down 10% in 1990 from 70% in 1949. Women in voluntary marriages also reported better martial happiness
It could be argued that differences are more due to a larger focus on urban
areas in the West than cultural differences. (e.g. in India, there's been rapid
development of urban areas, and the divorce rate has also risen sharply)
Cultural Bias
Cross cultural studies that ask
about 'love' and 'satisfaction'
may be interpreted differently
outside of the West, which
could invalidate research
Alternate Explanation
'Love' may have evolved as an
evolutionary benefit (e.g. long term
relationships increase safety and
lower child mortality)
This is likely as
Jankowiak and Fischer et
al found that 90% of 166
tribal cultures studied
had some form of 'love'