How to throw a fastball


How to throw a fastball
Sergio Castaneda5555
Mind Map by Sergio Castaneda5555, updated more than 1 year ago
Sergio Castaneda5555
Created by Sergio Castaneda5555 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

How to throw a fastball
  1. How to grip the ball
    1. how to grip the ball,you need to have the ball in your palm of your hand then you put your inbex finger on top of the ball then your middle finger should be on the ball now then your thumb is going to go under the ball in between your two fingers up top
    2. what app i used
      1. The app i used is digihud app on your phone its a very good app.
      2. How to get in your stace
        1. Stuff that you will use
          1. Who helped me
            1. My mom and dad helped me, my mom helped me because she got me the ball so i can do the project. My dad helped me with my project he was the other person that i needed.
            2. How i got my stuff i needed
              1. How i got my stuff is by asking my moom and dad they did say no but then they asked why i did need it then i told them that i need it for school they said really lets go right now .
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