Horror/terror/violence/bloodshed/shock: The Bloody Chamber


Mind Map on Horror/terror/violence/bloodshed/shock: The Bloody Chamber, created by hanniej35 on 24/02/2014.
Mind Map by hanniej35, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hanniej35 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Horror/terror/violence/bloodshed/shock: The Bloody Chamber
  1. "I had bled"- The title itself is a metaphor for the narrator's genitalia, highlighting the brutality of men when fulfilling their lustful desires (TBC)
    1. "There is striking resemblance between the act of love and the ministrations of a torturer" This quote effectively describes the Marquis attitude to love, and thus creates tension and fear for the reader
      1. "that dreadful place...the walls of this stark torture chamber...gleamed as if they were sweating with fright" The personification amplifies the narrator's fear which is effectively communicated to the reader (TBC)
      2. "a little museum of his perversity" The disgust created is accompanied with shock and questioning, and subverts hierarchy (TBC)
        1. "I at last-oh horrors!- made out a skull" Shock and fear, typically gothic (TBC)
        2. "I could see the blue imprint of his strangler's fingers" The brutality of the Marquis is highlighted here and creates further fear and shock (TBC)
          1. "I dropped the key...into the foaming pool of her blood" Excess blood creates shock and foreshadows the Marquis discovering her crime (TBC)
            1. "that private slaughter house of his"
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