Components of Physical Fitness


Mind map definitions of physical fitness
Jonathan Moore
Mind Map by Jonathan Moore, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by luciwig88 about 9 years ago
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Jonathan Moore
Copied by Jonathan Moore over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Components of Physical Fitness
  1. Flexibility
    1. definition: the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to work efficiently, supplying nutrients and oxygen to working muscles during sustained physical activity.
      1. Can enhance performance in aerobic and muscular training
        1. Reduces risk of injuries
          1. Reduces stress and tension in muscles
        2. Speed
          1. definition: distance divided by the time taken. Speed is measured in metres per second (m/s). The faster an athlete runs over a given distance, the greater their speed
            1. Depends on acceleration
              1. One of the main fitness components
                1. Important for success in many sports
                2. Requires good strength and power
                  1. Very important as part of overall fitness
                3. Muscular Strength
                  1. definition: the maximum force (in kg or N) that can be generated by a muscle or muscle group.
                    1. Improves athletic performance
                      1. Increase in stamina
                        1. Increase in bone density
                          1. Decreases the effects of aging
                        2. Aerobic Endurance
                          1. definition: the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to work efficiently, supplying nutrients and oxygen to working muscles during sustained physical activity.
                            1. Short aerobic
                              1. 2-8 mins of aerobic/lactic training
                              2. Medium Aerobic
                                1. 8-30 mins of mainly aerobic training
                                2. Long Aerobic
                                  1. 30+ mins of aerobic training
                              3. Body Composition
                                1. definition: the relative ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass (vital organs, muscle, bone) in the body.
                                  1. Body fat is located within the body
                                    1. Stored in muscle tissues, under skin and around organs
                                      1. Some body fat neccessary for healthy life
                                        1. Protects organs and provides energy
                                      2. Fat-free mass includes bone, water, muscle and tissues
                                        1. Ensures the body functions properly
                                    2. Muscular Endurance
                                      1. definition: the ability of the muscular system to work efficiently, where a muscle can continue contracting over a period of time against a light to moderate fixed resistance load.
                                        1. eg: how many times you can do a bicep curl without breaking your technique
                                          1. The push-up test can be a good measure of muscular endurance
                                            1. How many you can do without breaking form or in a certain time frame(eg: 1 minute)
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