

Wiederholungsklausur Prog1 Mind Map on Java, created by Marc Faulhaber on 18/07/2016.
Marc Faulhaber
Mind Map by Marc Faulhaber, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by info3027 about 11 years ago
Marc Faulhaber
Copied by Marc Faulhaber over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Constructor


    • Aufgabe: Create an instance of a class
    1. Return Types
      1. None! Note even "Void"
    2. Methods


      • Aufgabe: execute Java Code
      1. Return Types
        1. Any and none (void)
      2. Object


        • The term ‘object’, however, refers to an actual instance of a class. Every object must belong to a class. Objects are created and eventually destroyed – so they only live in the program for a limited time. While objects are ‘living’ their properties may also be changed signficantly. An example will help clarify what we’ve said. Suppose we have a class called ‘Animal’. All Animals have bodies and brains. So, this general ‘template’ of an Animal does not change. An instance of the Animal class would be a specific animal – like a lion, a cat, or a zebra. These instances of the Animal class would be called objects. Whereas the Animal class is a general concept, the instances of that class – the lions, cats, etc – take that general concept and create a real instance of it.
        1. Class


          • The term ‘class’ refers to the actual written piece of code in which the class is defined. A class is a static piece of code that consists of attributes which don’t change during the execution of a program – like the method definitions within a class.
          1. API (Application programming interface)


            • An application programming interface (API) specifies how some software components should interact with each other.


            1. Implementation


              • Objekte werden implementiert
            2. instance Variables
              1. private String name
                1. In this case you are neither adding the name to a list, nor are you assigning a particular value to the string. All you are doing is declaring the name of the String object variable.
              2. Local Variables
                1. "Verschwinden, wenn Methode abgeschlossen" (Kurzzeitgedächtnis)
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