Duror's Character Development


A study of Duror's character development throughout the novel with quotes and notes. From "The Cone Gatherers" by Robin Jenkins.
Mind Map by CuteMarshmallow, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by CuteMarshmallow over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Duror's Character Development
  1. Resembles
    1. Calum is a hunchback and has several other deformities.
      1. Calum's exterior resembles Duror's corrupted interior body.
      2. Extended Metaphor of decaying tree
        1. A tree of a revulsion and pure hatred is growing within Duror's mind.
          1. This tree is growing much more wilder and it gets to the point in which Duror realises he cannot control it's barbaric ways.
            1. He is overwhelmed by how strong the "tree" is and as it grows it will start to affect others.
              1. "He could have named, item by item, leaf and fruit and branch, the overspreading tree of revulsion in him; but he could not tell the force which made it grow."
              2. Personification of evil
                1. Roderick sees Duror as the "the most evil presence of all" and is "a barrier that he could not pass."
                  1. He also shoots Calum at the end of the novel. Calum is a harmless person and in turn is defenceless when it comes to his death. Duror realises that killing him doesn't settle him and so commits suicide after is horrible act. With that all evil is vanished.
                  2. Endurance
                    1. Doctor gives him advice at an appointment.
                      1. He is told to make an effort or to endure his wife's disability and the way that his life has turned out.
                        1. He rejects the doctor's advice of enduring and becomes more violent.
                        2. Roderick
                          1. Roderick is Lady Runcie-Campbell's son
                            1. He has a hatred for Duror.
                              1. Finds Duror spying on the brothers.
                                1. Personifies him as an "evil presence".
                                2. Accusations
                                  1. Duror accuses Calum of stealing a doll and using it for perverted reasons.
                                    1. His accusations result in people ignoring him more often as they believe that Calum is harmless.
                                    2. Strong hatred of Calum
                                      1. Duror feels that since the arrival of Neil and Calum the wood has been destroyed and damaged, ruining the only place that kept him sane.
                                        1. "This wood had always been his stronghold and sanctuary ... where he had been able to fortify his sanity and hope. But now the wood was invaded and defiled; its cleansing and reviving virtues were gone."
                                        2. We also know that Duror is struggling to cope with his wife's disability and with the arrival of the deformed cone gatherer - Calum - he feels that he is constantly reminded of it. This disgusts Duror and yet he feels envious of the various skills and talents he has, like climbing trees and carving: all of which Duror is incapable of.
                                          1. "Since childhood Duror had been repelled by anything living that had imperfection, deformity or lack."
                                        3. Unexpected authority
                                          1. We know that Lady Runcie-Campbell's husband has gone off to fight in the war.
                                            1. Lady Runcie-Campbell realises that some decisions she has to make are against her religious beliefs and so she counts on Duror to help her. She also allows him to eventually make decisions about the cone gatherers himself.
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