Sanctity of Life/Abortion


Mind Map by biddys, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by biddys over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Sanctity of Life/Abortion
  1. The Law and Abortion
    1. Arguments
      1. For
        1. Against
        2. Factual Information
          1. Key Words
            1. Abortion: Deliberate ending of a pregnancy; intentional destruction of the foetus from the womb to cause its death
              1. Fertility Treatment
                1. Embryo: the earliest stage of development in a human life; a fertilised egg in its first weeks
                  1. Euthanasia: The intentional ending of a life; usually with the purpose to relieve suffering
                    1. Hospice: A place that cares for the terminally ill ???
                      1. Sanctity of Life: The belief that all life is precious and sacred
                      2. what the Bible says
                        1. Church Teaching
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