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Structure & Setting
A Levels English (Of Mice and Men) Mind Map on Structure & Setting, created by chrishenry97 on 28/04/2013.
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of mice and men
of mice and men
a levels
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Structure & Setting
Nature starts and ends the novella
Starts and ends at the outdoor pool
Start with life and dreams
Ends with death
At the beginning and end they are on the run
For what happened in Weed
Death of Curley's wife
Suggests that the life of a migrant worker in the 1930s was a cycle of working and moving on
No escape
Written like a Play
Entrances and exits are some of the key moments in the novel
Easy to stage
Each chapter has only one location
Descriptions at the beginning of Chapters are very specific
Like instructions to a stage designer
Uses this to suggest characters fates are inevitable
Girl in Weed was wearing a red dress when Lennie grabbed her
Just like Curley's wife
George and Lennie have an escape plan before even arriving at the ranch
Lennie will hide by the pool if something goes wrong
Shows Lennie's voice increasing in a deadly pattern
Dead mice - dead dog - crushed hand - dead girl
Chapter Two and Three are set in the bunkhouse
'whitewashed' walls and an 'unpainted' floor
Mirrors how basic the men's lives are
Men's things described as little 'articled' or 'vials;
Shows these men only own small things the can carry on their backs
Nothing is permanent for them
Lot's of men have 'medicines' and George has 'liniment'
Shows the men have to look after themselves to stay healthy enough for work
Symbolic of never-ending pain on the ranch
Pool Represents Safety
First Chapter George tells Lennie to 'hide in the bush' by the pool if anything goes wrong
Safe place where he won't be found
Ironic how George shoots Lennie in his sanctuary
Description of the pool mirrored in First and Final Chapters
Top of the mountains 'flame' and 'blaze'
Lizard makes 'a great skittering'
Some differences which suggest it's no longer safe for Lennie
In Chapter One a Heron flew off leaving the water snake
In Chapter Six, a Heron kills a water snake and then flies off
In Chapter One men's voices could be heard in the distance
In Chapter Six the voices came closer and closer to the pool
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