Traditional Female Roles


Cambridge IGCSE Hullabaloo Mind Map on Traditional Female Roles, created by xanthecobb on 04/03/2014.
Mind Map by xanthecobb, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by kieran.wilson almost 11 years ago
Copied by xanthecobb almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Traditional Female Roles
  1. Kulfi
    1. Married in an arranged marriage but she doesn't fit in
      1. Obsesses over unladylike things, such as killing monkeys
      2. Birthday Cake
        1. Is the "perfect" bride for the Hungry Hop boy
        2. Hungry Hop Boy
          1. Pinky's love intrest
            1. Plays important role in pinky's obsessions
            2. Sampath's proposed brides
              1. Exact opposite of the ideal Indian bride
              2. Pinky
                1. Reversed "Romeo and Juliet
                  1. Typical Teenage girl
                    1. Pursues Hungry Hop boy (not the other way around)
                    2. Amnaji
                      1. Is the perfect example of an older Indian woman
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