7 Elements of Good Design


Good design adds value faster than it does cost. But what exactly is good design? This Mind Map breaks it down into 7 key components. Click on the note icon in each node to read more about the particular element.
Micheal Heffernan
Mind Map by Micheal Heffernan, updated more than 1 year ago
Micheal Heffernan
Created by Micheal Heffernan over 8 years ago

Resource summary

7 Elements of Good Design
  1. 3. Texture


    • Texture relates to the surface of an object. Using texture in graphic design adds depth and visual interest. This can be applied graphically in the form of pattern or through the choice of printable surface.
    1. 1. Line


      • Lines, in graphic design, can be used for a wide range of purposes: stressing a word or phrase, connecting content, creating patterns and more.
      1. 2. Colour


        • Colour is used to generate emotions, define importance, create visual interest and unify branding.
        1. 4. Size


          • In graphic design, size is used to convey importance, attract attention and create contrast.
          1. 5. Shape


            • The three basic shape types are Geometric (Circles, Squares, Triangles etc.), Natural (leaves, trees, people etc.) and abstract (icons, stylisations and graphic representations). Use carefully to create a visually pleasing design and eye-catching design.
            1. 6. Space


              • A vital part of any good graphic design, Space is the area around the elements in a design. It can be used to separate or group information. Use it effectively to give the eye a rest, define importance and lead the eye to where you want it to travel.
              1. 7. Value


                • Value is how light or dark an area looks in a design. It is everything from the darkest of blacks through to the brightest of whites. Used correctly it will create depth, contrast and emphasis.
                1. NOTE: To read more about each of the 7 elements, click on the note icon at the corner of each node.
                  1. Source: Una Healy Design (http://www.unahealydesign.com/elements-of-good-graphic-design/)
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