Merit 3.1


Merit Achievement Criteria
Pelejade Afasene
Mind Map by Pelejade Afasene, updated more than 1 year ago
Pelejade Afasene
Created by Pelejade Afasene over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Merit 3.1
  1. M5
    1. Some convincing understanding of specified aspect of text(s) may be inconsistent
      1. Partially convincing arguement
        1. Some maturity and perception evaluating the text(s)
          1. An accurate knowledge of and convincing engagement
            1. may move beyond the text in critical analysis with partial success
              1. Informed critical response (inferences : awareness of themes, purpose, personal understanding etc.
                1. Address statement with confidence
                  1. Range of appropriate evidence woven into response
      2. M6
        1. Sound and convincing understanding of text
          1. Convincing arguement
            1. Some maturity and perception evaluating text
              1. Comprehensive knowledge of and convincing engagement
                1. may move beyond the text in critical analysis with partial success
                  1. Informed critical response
                    1. Deliberate structured crafting
                      1. A range of appropriate detail and evidence woven into response
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