General Systems Theory


Andres Passos Martinez
Mind Map by Andres Passos Martinez, updated more than 1 year ago
Andres Passos Martinez
Created by Andres Passos Martinez about 8 years ago

Resource summary

General Systems Theory
    1. The TGS arose because of the need to address the scientifically understanding of systems forming concrete reality, usually complex and unique.
      1. Maximum exponenetes
        1. Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy ( 1901- 1972)
          1. It was a biologist and Austrian philosopher , primarily known for his theory of systems.
            1. states that the properties of systems can not be described significantly in terms of their separate elements . Compression systems only occurs when They study globally , involving all their interdependencies parts .
          2. William Ross Ashby (Londres, 1903 - 1972)
            1. It was an English physician and neurologist, who was instrumental in consolidation of modern cybernetics and created the first homeostat (1951 ) , self-regulating feedback electronic device .
              1. It refers to any complex system must have a certain level of variety internal (another word for complexity) to be able to function and fit within your environment .
      2. ES
        1. It is an effort of interdisciplinary study that is find the properties common to entities calls systems . These are presented in all levels of reality , but which are traditionally objectives of different academic disciplines.
        2. PROPOSITO
          1. provides for the development tools that empower other branches of science in its practical research . By alone , does not prove or stops showing effects practical .
          2. USO
            1. 1. it has to be from an idea of what is intended to demonstrate , define or test .
              1. 2. Knowing clearly the result ( from observation in any of its forms ), then applies a concept that the best that can assimilate resulting familiar and easy to understand It is known mathematical methods as least common multiple and greatest common divisor .
                1. 3. TGS is going disengaging the factors involved in the final result, each factor It provides a conceptual value underpinning the coherence of the observed.
                  1. 4. lists all values ​​and try to analyze all separately and , in the process of developing a postulate , try to see how many concepts are common and uncommon with a higher rate of repetition, as well as those that are common with a lower rate of recurrence.
                    1. 5. With the results in hand and an effort of abstraction, are assigned to sets ( theory sets ), forming objects.
                    2. sistema es
                      1. a system is " a structured whole elements , interrelated yes, organized by the human species in order to achieve objectives . Any change or variation any of the items may determine changes throughout the system".
                      2. sistema de informacion
                        1. Information system is understood as the set of technologies, processes, business applications and software available for people within a organization.
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