Satellite navigation


GCSE ICT (Personal digital devices) Mind Map on Satellite navigation, created by Sue Salih on 08/03/2014.
Sue Salih
Mind Map by Sue Salih, updated more than 1 year ago
Sue Salih
Created by Sue Salih over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Satellite navigation
  1. Satellite navigation systems use GPS to plan routes and give directions
    1. Drivers can also
      1. Check speed
        1. Check location of speed cameras
          1. Get traffic reports to avoid congestion
          2. Health & safety risks
            1. Drivers take eyes off the road
              1. Devices may cause blind spot
                1. Lead driver to wrong way
                2. Pedestrians use small waterproof, shockproof devices to
                  1. Find their way in cities & countryside
                    1. Set coordinates & use compass
                    2. Geocaching
                      1. An outdoor, high-tech treasure hunt
                    3. Convergence
                      1. Smartphones used as a Sat Nav systems
                        1. Advantages
                          1. Always have mobile phone with you
                            1. Small, light & easier to carry around
                              1. Buy applications from major sat nav manufacturers
                              2. Disadvantages
                                1. App may be expensive
                                  1. Charges for Internet usage/roaming
                                    1. Using GPS may run the battery down more quickly
                                      1. Version may not be the most up-to-date
                                  2. Accessibility features
                                    1. Information about local disabled facilities
                                      1. Speak location to blind users
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