The Massacre


Mind Map on The Massacre, created by Lance Sy Lato on 31/08/2016.
Lance Sy Lato
Mind Map by Lance Sy Lato, updated more than 1 year ago
Lance Sy Lato
Created by Lance Sy Lato over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Massacre
  1. Tactics
    1. Weapons
      1. Social Hierarchy
        1. The blacks, despite trying to combat the attack of the whites, are powerless against them
          1. "was beginning the coil of his body to launch (the spear), but there was a shot and he gasped like a man about to sneeze"
            1. although the blacks may be more prepared to fight in terms of strength, the whites are more cunning on the way they fight, eventually leading all of the blacks to get killed
              1. 'coil' creates the image of a tight spring, 'launch' highlights the explosive force required to launch the spear; when complemented with each other an image of the black mustering all the strength he needs to hurl the spear is created
                1. conjunction 'but'
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