Differences between men and women in Paradise Lost


Mind Map on Differences between men and women in Paradise Lost, created by abl on 30/04/2013.
Mind Map by abl, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abl almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Differences between men and women in Paradise Lost
  1. Sense of faith
    1. Adam's appears stronger/total
      1. Blind faith
        1. Adam is aware of what is lost -good lost evil gained
        2. Eve wants test/question faith
          1. Eve challenges
        3. Sense of social hierarchy
          1. Adam is placed as social superior
            1. Eve wants equality-initially.
            2. Milton's language makes her appear radical
              1. Also appears to blame her more for The Fall
              2. Adam makes conscious choice to fall
                1. Exemplifies freewill
                2. Eve takes conscious decision to part from Adam
                  1. Freewill again
                  2. Attitude towards work and Garden of Eden
                    1. Adam wants to enjoy Garden
                      1. Eve exemplifies the Protestant work ethic
                      2. Attitude to love and marriage
                        1. Self sacrifice
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