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A Levels Music Tech (A2) Mind Map on EQ, created by Hazel Meades on 12/03/2014.
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a levels
music tech
music tech
a levels
Mind Map by
Hazel Meades
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Hazel Meades
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
What is it?
Initially used to correct imperfections in the sound.
As technology improved it started to be used for different purposes.
EQ units offer a combination of different filters that can be used together.
Plug-in EQs can offer an almost limitless supply, hardware EQs are limited by their design.
It was initially used to compensate for the loss of upper frequencies on long cable runs.
BBC - King's College
Mid freq. boost = boxy sound
Top freq. boost = tinny sound
EQ can be used in combination with panning to separate instruments
General rules:
Trust ears over eyes
1. Set frequency area
2. Adjust frequency range
3. Boost/cut
Used to highlight instrumental tones, remove unwanted noise such as feedback, rumble etc.
Parametric EQ
Based on a band-pass filter
Has access to the same Q, boost/cut and centre frequency.
Adjustable filter sections are provided so the user can effect a variety of bandwidths.
Gives the user the ability to finetune their recording.
Choose a centre frequency and move it up, down and around.
Sweeping - moving the frequency (with the gain set high) to search for where EQ should be applied
More specific and specialist in comparison to graphic
Requires more expertise
More precise adjustments
Semi-parametric EQ AKA sweepable filter: allows user to control amp and freq but uses a pre-set bandwidth for the centre frequency.
Graphic EQ
A group of band-pass filters.
Centre frequency is equally spaced.
Octaves apart
Spacing is agreed through musical intervals.
Simpler to use compared to parametric EQ but less precise.
Often used to compensate for a venue's acoustics.
Rows of adjustable sliders so you can home in on specific frequencies
Input signal is sent to a bank of filters, which pass the portion of the signal present in its own freq. range or band.
Filter is adjusted via slide control to boost or cut freq
When to EQ?
Can do it continously
Can do it at the end after you've got all the audio
Depends on the creative/practical purpose
General rule is to EQ later on
Makes the piece sound nice as a whole
Shelf EQ
Cuts or increases all frequencies above or below the cut off evenly
Used in common tone controls
Fixed EQ
Bass, treble, mid
Langevin Model EQ-251A - 1st EQ to use slide controls
Type 7080 developed by Art Davis' Cinema Engineering - 1st true graphic EQ
Daniel Flickinger introduced 1st parametric EQ in 1971
He achieved filtering circuits that were impossible before. 6 knobs controlled sweepable features.
Most modern day parametric EQ designs rely on the designs of Flickinger, Massenberg and McNeal
In 1990s and 2000s parametric EQs became increasingly available as Digital Signal Processing equipment in the form of plug-ins for DAWs.
Standalone outboard gear versions were introduced after software versions and referred to as Digital Parametric Equalizers
Media attachments
1st_EQ_to_use_slide_controls (image/jpeg)
type_7080 (image/jpg)
1st_parametric_EQ (image/jpg)
ff1ea4c6-9545-4d00-83cc-6d59e5267837.gif (image/gif)
907a16b8-1182-4573-9199-5c9fc878a991.gif (image/gif)
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