

Junior Certificate history Mind Map on God, created by ninja of baskerville on 30/04/2013.
ninja of baskerville
Mind Map by ninja of baskerville, updated more than 1 year ago
ninja of baskerville
Created by ninja of baskerville over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. First beleved by Egyptians
    1. Pharaohs
      1. Belived to be a God in flesh and bone
    2. Romans
      1. Roman gods
        1. Supposed birth of Jesus Christ
        2. Before idea of god
          1. Prehistoric
            1. Evil spirits
          2. Greek
            1. Asclepion
              1. Greek gods
              2. Middle ages
                1. God caused all illness
                2. Renaissance
                  1. Started to find actual cause of desease
                  2. 1800's
                    1. God only really worshiped by the church and anyone who turned up for it
                    2. 1900's
                      1. Evidence against God's existence (big bang theory)
                      2. 2000+
                        1. Atheism
                          1. An unbeliever of God
                          2. Christianity no longer compulsory
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