Emphasizes the importance of social
interactions in language acquisition.
This applies to the classroom because it takes into
consideration a student's zone of proximal
development. ZPD is the difference between what the
student can do with help and what the student can do
without help. Social interaction between a teacher and student lies in this zone.
Interlanguage Theory: Larry Selinker
There are four kinds of knowledge involved
in learning a second language. They are
knowledge about the second language,
competence in the native language, ability
to use the functions of language, and
general world knowledge.
Students are going to make errors as they try
to learn a second language and it is
important for teachers to use student errors
to guide how they will instruct their teaching.
Interactionist Model: Michael Long
This model builds in the
Communicative Competence Model. It
involves using peer conversation to
increase a student's exposure to
In the classroom this would look
like lots of face to face interaction
between all students.
Communication is key to learning
a new language.
Transformational Grammar: Noam Chomsky
All human language rests on innate building blocks of
expression. All languages have the same components
such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.
Children do not need to be
explicitly taught language.
Students will learn language by
listening to people speak
Communicative Competence: Dell Hymes
This means that the speaker knows how
and when to use language appropriately,
not just knowing the proper grammar.
In the classroom students
have to be able to use real life
language to perform academic