HCI - Mindmap


A Levels ICT Mind Map on HCI - Mindmap, created by 1100204 on 14/03/2014.
Mind Map by 1100204, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 1100204 almost 11 years ago
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Resource summary

HCI - Mindmap
  1. Needs of a Novice User
    1. Clear navigation structure
      1. Wizards which are not as flexible as setting it out yourself
        1. Colour scheme making it easier to use
          1. The novice user’s priority will be...
            1. ease of learning/intuitive
              1. easy access to help
            2. Needs of an Expert User
              1. The expert user will want to...
                1. Get the job done in the least possible time
                2. Increased number of ways of performing the same operation
                  1. Shortcuts which the experienced user can use rather than going through a series of menus
                    1. Expert user knows the commands and will find it quicker than clicking through a series of windows
                    2. Features for Disabled Users
                      1. Speech Recognition rather than keyboards for users who cannot use keyboard or mouse
                        1. Aid bad eyesight...
                          1. Increase the font size
                            1. Magnify areas of the screen
                              1. Plenty of contrast between the text and the background
                              2. Use visual messages rather than beeps or warning noises for users who are deaf
                              3. Factors for a good HCI
                                1. Layout appropriate to the task
                                  1. Clear navigational structure
                                    1. Large/minimal text for a child to minimise reading which builds up user confidence
                                    2. Customisable to suit the needs of the user
                                      1. Makes it more efficient if the user can change items to suit their work preference.
                                      2. Consistency of signposting and pop up information
                                        1. Every ‘Next’ should be in the same place using the same icon
                                          1. Clear consistent and easy to follow
                                        2. Location of where machine is to be used
                                          1. Touch screens in museums / factories / etc (with explanation of why).
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