1_Mind map about me.


taeler hamlin
Mind Map by taeler hamlin, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
taeler hamlin
Created by taeler hamlin about 8 years ago
taeler hamlin
Copied by taeler hamlin about 8 years ago

Resource summary

1_Mind map about me.
  1. Hobbies.
    1. Horseback riding
      1. Cooking
        1. Babysitting
          1. Hanging out with friends
            1. Hunting and fishing
              1. 4x4ing
                1. Quad and dirt bike riding
    2. Pets
      1. Dogs
        1. Rabbits
          1. Horse
            1. Chickens
              1. Goats
                1. Cats
      2. Family
        1. Mom
          1. Step dad
            1. Me
        2. Birth
          1. November 28,2001
            1. 6 pounds and 1 ounce
              1. 12:45 pm
                1. mom, dad grandma and grandma GG
                  1. Dr.Baddy
          2. plans
            1. OBGYN
              1. 12 more years of school
                1. Graduate eairly
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