Stage 1


Civil litigation Mind Map on Stage 1 , created by hargreas on 15/03/2014.
Mind Map by hargreas, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hargreas over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Stage 1
  1. Issues Claim and response pack
    1. Defendant
      1. Admit
        1. N9 A - specified money claim or N9 B unspecified
          1. Can ask for time to pay
            1. Claimant
              1. Accept - gets default judgment
                1. Object - court officer will then determine time and rate of payment
                  1. If either party object they can apply for hearing
          2. Deny
            1. issue defence N9B - specified or N9D unspecified
              1. C may reply
              2. issue counterclaim
                1. C must repond
              3. Do nothing
                1. C can enter Default Judgment
                  1. unless part 8 - no default
                    1. or delivery of good subject to consumer credit act
                      1. or certain specialised claims such as admiralty, arbitration, possession or contentious probate
                        1. need a hearing for : a child, judgment for costs only or certain claims served outside england and wales
                          1. D judgment can be set aside
                            1. MUST
                              1. where applied for before the period up
                                1. where the claim had been satisfied before J entered
                                  1. acknowledgment / defence had actually been served
                                    1. D had filed an admission requesting time to pay
                                    2. MAY
                                      1. real prospect of sucessfully defending the claim
                                        1. some other reason why the D should be allowed to defend
                                          1. acted promptly
                                    3. Other
                                      1. apply for summary judgment


                                        • apply by application notice Form N244 Supported by written evidence Draft order Fee
                                        • Must be served at least 14 day before the hearing. Claimant must respond at least 7 days before hearing. If the D wishes to respond again, must do so at least 3 days before the hearing
                                        1. No real prospect of successfully defending / no real prospect of succeeding on the claim
                                          1. No other compelling reason
                                            1. Outcomes
                                              1. case struck out / claim dismissed
                                                1. judgment on the claim
                                                  1. conditional order - pay money into court
                                                    1. Dismissal of the application
                                                  2. apply for more time
                                                    1. apply to have claim struck out
                                                      1. agree with the C an extension of time and notify the court
                                                        1. dispute the court's jurisdiction
                                                        2. acknowledge within 14 days
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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