

Westinghouse Control Signals
Lauren Neuburger
Mind Map by Lauren Neuburger, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Lauren Neuburger
Created by Lauren Neuburger over 8 years ago
Lauren Neuburger
Copied by Lauren Neuburger over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. C-1: IR Rod Stop
    1. Purpose: Prevent reaching IR & PR Hi Flux
      1. Setpoint: IR amps ~ = 20% PR
        1. Notes:
          1. Stops outward rod motion in auto and manual
            1. Can be manually blocked when P-10 is met (2/2 switches)
              1. Auto unblocked when P-10 no longer met
              2. Coincidence: 1/2 IR Channels
              3. C-2: PR Rod Stop
                1. Purpose: Prevent reaching PR Hi Flux Trip
                  1. Setpoint: 103%
                    1. Notes:
                      1. Stops outward rod motion in auto and manual
                        1. Can be bypassed at NIS cabinet
                        2. Coincidence: 1/4 PR Channels
                        3. C-3: OTN16 Rod Stop
                          1. Setpoint: 3% < OTN16 Rx Trip Setpoint
                            1. Coincidence: 2/4 NI Channels
                              1. Notes:
                                1. Stops outward rod motion in auto and manual
                                  1. Generates Turbine Runback:
                                    1. 1.5 sec @ 200%/min, off for 28.5 sec, cycle until C-3 clears
                                2. C-4: OPN16 Rod Stop
                                  1. Setpoint: 3% < OPN16 Rx Trip Setpoint
                                    1. Coincidence: 2/4 NI Channels
                                      1. Notes:
                                        1. Stops outward rod motion in auto and manual
                                          1. Generates Turbine Runback
                                            1. 1.5 sec @ 200%/min, off for 28.5 sec, cycle until C-4 clears
                                        2. C-5: Low Power Interlock
                                          1. Setpoint: <= 15% Turbine PWR
                                            1. Coincidence: 1/1 from PT-505 or 506
                                              1. Notes:
                                                1. Based on which 1st stage pressure transmitter selected to input to rod control
                                                  1. Stops outward rod motion in auto w/PWR <= 15%
                                                2. C-7: Loss of Load
                                                  1. Setpoint: 10% w/time constant of 120 sec
                                                    1. Coincidence: Based on Turbine PWR load reduction
                                                      1. Notes:
                                                        1. Allows steam dumps to open (arms) in Tave mode following load reject
                                                          1. Setpoint variable based on rate, i.e. 5%/min actuates C-7 in 10 min, 10% min immediately
                                                        2. C-11: Control Bank D Rod W/drawal Limit
                                                          1. Setpoint: 223 steps
                                                            1. Coincidence: None
                                                              1. Notes:
                                                                1. Stops outward rod motion in auto only
                                                              2. C-16: Stop Turbine Loading
                                                                1. Purpose: Prevent excessive Tave droop
                                                                  1. Setpoint:
                                                                    1. 553 deg F auctioneered low Tave, OR
                                                                      1. Auctioneered low Tave < Tref by 20 deg F
                                                                      2. Coincidence: None
                                                                        1. Notes:
                                                                          1. Stops Turbine loading when met
                                                                        2. C-20: AMSAC
                                                                          1. Setpoint: > 40% Turbine PWR in last 260 sec
                                                                            1. Coincidence: Fed from PT-505/506
                                                                              1. Notes:
                                                                                1. Enables AMSAC actuation circuit
                                                                              2. C-9: Condenser Interlock
                                                                                1. Setpoint: >12.3" Hg
                                                                                  1. Coincidence: 2/2 Cond Vacuum and 2/4 CW Pump BKRs closed
                                                                                    1. Notes:
                                                                                      1. Allows steam dumps to open when C-9 met
                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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