Goal is for students to possess a certain body of knowledge and skills
Multiple choice, fill in the blank, true false, recall oriented
Performing real world tasks
Why use AA?
We don't just want students to know facts and content.
We want them to know how to use their knowledge.
Fits with the well researched
constructivist model of teaching and
Ingregation of teaching, learning, and assessment: Within the
assessments, students are learning and demonstrating their ability
to apply concepts, as the teachers are facilitating.
Allows for multiple ways of demonstrating knowledge
that plays to everyone's strengths
How do you Implement?
1. Standards: What should the students know and be able to
2. Authentic Tasks: Determine what tasks will demonstrate if the
students have met the standards.
3. Criteria: What does good
performance look like?
4. Rubric: For providing what is expected for minimum levels of performance and for
providing feedback and providing information for adjusting instruction
Authentic Tasks for ELLs
Constructed Response: Concept maps, making predictions, journal response, homework
Product: Projects, design of an advertisement, etc, timelines, map
construction, poster of a literary character analysis
Performance: Skits, role plays, debates
Create assessments that lean toward: Performing a task, real-life, requiring application,
student-structured, providing direct evidence
Why Use AA with ELLs?
Fits with constructivist model of learning
Allows students to demonstrate what they know in various forms
without being consistently at a disadvantage in traditional testing by a lack
of academic English.
Allows for assessing meaningful learning within scaffolded
instruction, which we know is what ELLs need to access
grade level curriculum.
Can lower the affective filter for ELLs, because Authentic Assessment does not rely solely
on traditional multiple choice and true/false, etc. tests. They have the chance to feel
success and use their strengths.
Provides a better picture of what meaningful skills the students actually have
vs. what they may be able to recall in English on a traditional test.