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Why did the Israelis Win the First Arab-Israeli War of 1948/9
A level History (Middle East) Mind Map on Why did the Israelis Win the First Arab-Israeli War of 1948/9, created by elenamaymartin on 16/03/2014.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
Why did the Israelis Win the First Arab-Israeli War of 1948/9
International involvement
Ineffective UN ceasefires
The war was in 3 phases
The US recognized Israel 14th May
Israeli Superiority
Israeli Planning
Since the UN Partition Plan was announced, Zionist Militants has already begun to seize ares marked out for the future Palestnine
Unified command structure
were good at collecting detailed information
Work of Ben Gurion
1946: Ben Gurion began a massive covert arms acquisition campaign - eg. Operation Balak from Czechs.
Trained from WW2
Holocaust Syndrome
Sense of divine purpose
Did have: Irgun (2,000-4,000 active, 200 rifles & 500 machine-guns.) Stern Gang (500-800 activists).
Arab Disunity
Egyptian soldiers were poorly equipped
Possibly due to Egyptian corruption in procurement
lacked motivation
Most forces didn't know why they were fighting
lacked incentive
Only sent token forces to turn the attention of nationalists towards external happenings
Troops mobilized by the Arab League arrived too late to make any effective difference
Arab League set up 1945
Self interest
Mostly tribal
Some countries made insignificant contributions (Lebanon,Saudi, Yemen) around 800 men each
Golda Meir deal with King of Transjordon
British suppression of Arab Revolt (1936-9) had seriously weakened Arab leadership.
Had some strengths
7,500 British / WW2 combat-trained Palestinian Arabs. 10,500 Palestinian Arabs served in British Palestine Police Force & armed!
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