
Azlin Nasyitah
Azlin Shazwni Azhar
Mind Map by Azlin Shazwni Azhar, updated more than 1 year ago
Azlin Shazwni Azhar
Created by Azlin Shazwni Azhar over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Plants
    1. carry out photosynthsis to make food
      1. raw materials : carbond dioxide and water
        1. End product: Sugar and oxygen
          1. Conditions : sunlight and chlorophyll
    2. Soil Conditions
      1. Ph
        1. Tests
          1. Lutmus Paper:
            1. Blue lutmus paper turn
              1. RED: Acidic
              2. Red lutmas paper turn
                1. BLUE: Alkaline
              3. Universal Indicator
                1. Neutral:GREEN
                  1. Acidic: RED, Alkaline:BLUE/PURPLE
                2. Acidic: Sour, Alkaline : Bitter
                3. Fertilisers : Add nurients to the soil
                  1. Contamination of water, Negative impact on aquatic life
                    1. Algae bloom (eutrophication)
                      1. algae covers water surface, plants and animal in the water dies
                4. Slush and Burn
                  1. *method to clear the land
                    1. -Cheap and easy method , - eye irrtation andbreathing problmas forest fire, -air pollution
                  2. Production of Crops
                    1. Biological Control: uses natural enemies
                      1. Pros: enviroment friendly
                      2. Chemical Control: Pesticides and herbicides
                        1. pros: kills pests and weeds
                          1. Cons: soil contaminaton, water contamitation, chemical contamination in food
                      3. Improve food production
                        1. High Tech Method
                          1. e.g: Vertical farming, hydroponics, aeroponic
                          2. Intensive Production Method
                            1. e.g : Fish Farm Tanks
                            2. Improve Plant and animal varieteis
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