Radical: critiques
categories of
gender, gender
roles, support
non-binary, = pay,
soc. issues
Essentialist: inherent
differences between
men & women that
should be
Critique: 1st (& 2nd?) wave(s)
focused on oppression of rich,
white women, while ignoring
experiences of people of color,
poor women, & non-cis
Conflict Theory
Inequality due to capitalism,
proletariats must revolt to
change system to socialism
Marx: bourgeoisie vs.
proletariat; the owners of
property exploit those who
don't own any
Critique: theory too narrow
as it mainly focuses on
econ.; doesn't account for
fact that econ. systems in
soc. haven't changed much
(e.g. CEOs vs. workers)
Example: in simpson's video, we see
family enjoying show, meanwhile
sweatshop shows exploitation of
people to create products for
Can study societies
the same way we
study human
Every part of society
(e.g. religion, schools)
is needed for soc. to
function, like organs
are needed in body
Critique: theory doesn't account
for fact that things in society have
changed over time; if every part
worked the way it should (as
human body), wouldn't need to be
removed/changed. Plus, no critical
lens applied to view society
Symbolic Interactionism
Reality & meaning created
through interactions
between ppl; social reality
is created & reenacted
Example: if person
deems what the
experience as reality,
they will interact with
others as if it is all real &
prescribe meaning to
interactions themselves
Max Weber: ppl act
according to how
they perceive
reality/the world
Critique: theory is too narrow
(inspects interactions too
closely) & allows for too
much interpretation in
relationships/interactions, so
no est. meaning
Levels of analysis
Individual level; example:
interactions between
couples, self perception, etc.
group level;
example: comparing
behaviors in
different work
places, how
children's sports are
structural level (social
structures & institutes);
example: interactions
between countries
Belief that thru
research, logic &
meaning can be
prescribed to
Society acts according to
laws just as the physical
world does; assumes
antipositivism; doesn't
make sense as theory
rejects intuitive
knowledge; no
meaning to anything
Functions of Society
Manifest: intended
function (e.g. purpose
of tailgating is to eat
& party)
Latent: unintended
function (e.g.
tailgating leads to
binge drinking &
drunk driving)
Who produces
knowledge? Why? Who
benefits, what
institutions? The creator
influences the masses
Questions binary thinking,
all-encompassing logic,
criticizes theories that attempt
to explain everything under one
single reason. Instead, logic
should come from each
persons' indiv. exper.