Basic Legal Concepts


Legal Studies Mind Map on Basic Legal Concepts, created by _sophiemaher on 01/05/2013.
Mind Map by _sophiemaher, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by _sophiemaher over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Basic Legal Concepts
  1. Meaning of Law
    1. Any act of commission which breaches the acceptable code of society
    2. Customs, Rules and Law
      1. Customs: A tradition or a norm that is closely linked to religious, social or cultural practices.
        1. Rules: Directions created in order to limit or control behaviour in certain circumstances if not obeyed.
          1. Law: Any act of commission which breaches the acceptable code of society.
          2. Values and Ethics
            1. Values: A personal measure of right and wrong.
              1. Ethics: A system of moral principles.
              2. Characteristics of Just Laws
                1. Laws must be discoverable meaning accessible; this means all people can read and understand them.
                  1. They must align with our values; this means incorporate our belief systems (religion).
                    1. Laws must create certainty by setting parameters and ensuring consistency.
                      1. Laws will protect from harm; protections for victims, perpetrators and society
                      2. Nature of justice: Equity, Fairness, access
                        1. Equity: Laws that don't discriminate and are applied equally
                          1. Fairness: Ensure a particular harsh effect on an individual and the right to appeal to a decision
                            1. Access: Ability to access the law, legal information and assistance to understand the law
                            2. Procedural Fairness
                              1. Assurance that a part to a dispute will be granted, the right to be heard, to a fair trial, and to an unbiased judge.
                                1. If there is a failure of natural justice, an avenue for appeal may open up
                                2. Anarchy
                                  1. Failure of government
                                  2. Tyranny
                                    1. No distinction between law makers, law enforces and the courts. The fact that law enforces act arbitrarily and without fear of consequence
                                    2. Rule of Law
                                      1. No one is above the law; everyone is equal in the eyes of the law
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