An Inspector Calls


English Literature
Vicky Bentley
Mind Map by Vicky Bentley, updated more than 1 year ago
Vicky Bentley
Created by Vicky Bentley almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

An Inspector Calls
  1. Themes
    1. Socialism VS Capitalism
      1. Gender
        1. Men Superior
        2. Age
          1. Younger Generation
          2. Class
            1. Birlings
              1. Upper Class
            2. Time
              1. Hipocrisy
                1. Responsibility
                2. Dramatic Techniques
                  1. Irony
                    1. Titanic Unsinkable
                      1. Make Birling look Idiotic
                      2. Wars never going to happen
                      3. Inspector
                        1. Phone Call
                          1. Photo
                            1. Comedy
                              1. Tension
                                1. Setting
                                2. Characters
                                  1. Shiela
                                    1. Takes full respnsibility
                                    2. Sybil
                                      1. Pretends not to realise Erics drinking
                                      2. Mr Birling
                                        1. Full of Himself
                                          1. Sees it as a joke
                                        2. Eric
                                          1. Raped Eva/Daisy
                                            1. Alcohol
                                            2. Gerald
                                              1. Affair
                                              2. Inspector GOOLE
                                                1. Ghost?
                                                  1. Fake
                                                  2. Makes BIrlings Think
                                                  3. Eva/Daisy
                                                    1. Every Woman
                                                      1. Eve name in Bible
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