Dressed like everyday citizens so that they couldn't be told apart
They had complex underground tunnels which
couldn't be detected by Americans
These tunnels were also filled with lethal traps
and bombs
Hanging on to America's belts - The viet cong would attack or ambush
American's near their own bases so that when they fought back they
destoryed thier own stuff and killed their own men
They were supplied with weaponds from China and Russia
They used the Ho Chi Min trail to supply war weaponds - this ran through Laos and
Cambodia so American's couldn't attack it, it was also burried in thick jungle
They avoid battle unless the odds were heavily in their favour
They used Guerilla tactics
USA tactics
They used heavily advanced machinery and weaponds
Dropped Agent-Orange gas
They bomb whole communities and jungle land to clear out the Viet Cong
They were prepared to fight a war like WW1 or WW2 instead of a guerilla war
Used Napam gas
Search and Destory
They used their own soilders as bait and then backed them up with air military
They lived in stratigic hamelts to draw viet cong into loyal area's
Zipoo raids
Who was more effective?
The American's preapred for the wrong war
The viet-cong new the terrain very well
American soilder's lost moral very quickly
Most American's didn't know anything about vietnam or why they were fighting
The Viet-Cong were more effective and won the war
Effects of the war on the USA
Cost the goverment billions of dollars
Longest war America had been in
58,000 American troops died
American soilders lost home support and mroal after the news that they were killing innocent people E.G The Mai Lia masacre
Lots of anti war protests
Kent State shooting
Many war hero's werent celebrated and were treated badly
Racial tensions because blacks fought alongside whites for their contry but still has less rights
Affects of the war on Vietnam
Thousands of people were left with the after effects of the Orange Agent gas which included
cancer, mutations and terminal illnesses. Many children were also orphaned
American's were left in Vietnam
Vietnam united
The NVA massacred thousands of SVA once America left
Farm land was polluted by American chemicals
They had no money
It's still the poorest country in the world
Had to fight a war with Cambodia and China for their independance