Identification of Autism: Suspected --> child psychiatrist --> registry, Method: check registry, date when diagnosis made
Follow-up: monitored for autism to age 1 until end of study period (Dec 31, 1999, mean age at end of study 5 years)
End point: rates of autism and rates of autism-spectrum disorders
82% of chidlren in study received MMR vaccine
mean age of vaccination 17 months
mean age of diagnosis was 4 years and 3 months
prevalence of Autism among 8 year old's in study was 7.7/10,000 (0.08%)
no clustering of autism diagnosis at any time interval after vaccination
No association between age at which vaccine given and the subsequent development of autism
Families with hx of Autism would not have vaccinated their kids due to published link between MMR and Autism
Dataset did not contain the date when the 1st symptoms were noted, it is possible clustering of first symptoms post vaccination but NOT diagnoses (due to delay)
Autism signs and symptoms: 2nd and 3rd year of life, shortly after giving MMR vaccine
Wakefield et al, Lancet 1998, retracted 2010, stated series of children developed GI symptoms, and signs of Autism after MMR, FALSIFIED DATA
AAP undertook a systematic review of all research vaccine safety and review failed to link MMR to Autism (MAGLIONE et al, Paediatrics, 2014)