Conditional Sentences


Englisch Mind Map on Conditional Sentences, created by Paula Raithel on 03/10/2016.
Paula Raithel
Mind Map by Paula Raithel, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by dominik_morar almost 9 years ago
Paula Raithel
Copied by Paula Raithel over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Conditional Sentences
  1. without if
    1. ways to express condition without using an if-clause
      1. words that signalise conditional
        1. provided
          1. Provided we get the money for the project, we will continue for another year. (If we get the money…)
          2. unless
            1. Unless you work harder, you will fail the test. (If you don’t work harder…)
            2. so long as
              1. So long as the chemicals have been properly dissolved, they cannot do any harm. (If the chemicals have been…)
              2. in case of
                1. In case of an emergency, ring 911. (If there is an emergency…)
                2. ...
                3. reversed word order of subject and verb
                  1. were
                    1. Were this to happen, we would be in dire straights. (If this were to happen, …)
                    2. had
                      1. Had I known you were here, I would have invited you to lunch. (If i had known, ...)
                      2. should
                        1. Should you decide to enrol in this course, you will need to take the placement test. (If you devide to enroll ...)
                        2. Occasionally "if" can be dropped, provided that the word order of the subject and verb is reversed.
                          1. This reversal of subject and verb to express condition is similar in German, but note that it only can be used in the three cases were, had and should
                          2. spoken English
                            1. you
                              1. You want to get ahead in life, be sure to get a good education. (If you want to get ahead in life, be sure ...)
                                1. usually only used with you
                              2. modal verbs
                                1. can/could
                                  1. If we study hard, we can improve our grades. (Conditional I)
                                    1. If we studied hard, we could improve our grades. (Conditional II)
                                      1. If we had studied hard, we could have improved our grades. (Conditional III)
                                      2. may/might
                                        1. Often modal verbs are used in the main clause to qualify or tone down what the speaker wishes to express or even to offer possibilities
                                      3. if condition
                                        1. if clause (type 1)
                                          1. if clause (type 2)
                                            1. if clause (type 3
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