child with abnormal facies


Mind Map on child with abnormal facies, created by lolita klol on 03/10/2016.
lolita klol
Mind Map by lolita klol, updated more than 1 year ago
lolita klol
Created by lolita klol over 8 years ago
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Resource summary

child with abnormal facies
  1. salem was born at term to a 41 years old multiparous woman
    1. salem postpartum signs:
      1. upslanting eyes
        1. heart murmur
          1. breathing difficulties
            1. admitted to neonatal intensive care unit
              1. equipments needed:
                1. oxygen saturation monitor-oxygenation
                  1. feeding tube-nutrition
                    1. IV pump-nutrition
                      1. temperature monitor-must be kept warm as he was just delivered from his mom's womb which is warm
                        1. ECG and blood pressure monitor
                        2. he needed immediate resuscitation
                          1. ventilation (bad-musk)
                            1. endotracheal intubation
                      2. karyotyping detects
                        1. number of chromosomes
                          1. normally we have 23 pair of chromosomes (46 or 2n)
                            1. haploid(n)=23 chrom. -gamets
                              1. diploid(2n)=46chrom-zygote or body cells
                              2. abnormal
                                1. polyploidy
                                  1. tripoid
                                    1. 3(n)=3(23)=69 chromosomes
                                    2. tetraploid
                                      1. 4(n)=4(23)=92 chromosomes
                                    3. aneuploidy
                                      1. causes
                                        1. translocation: displacment of a part or whole of one chromosome to another one
                                          1. 3%
                                            1. causes trisomy 21
                                              1. which leads to down syndrome
                                                1. the age of the mother plays an important rule in causing such failures in meiosis or others. the older the woman the more she's at risk of having a down syndrome child
                                                  1. complications
                                                    1. mild intellectual disability
                                                      1. IQ score range: 50-70
                                                        1. IQ TEST Assessment
                                                        2. vision problems
                                                          1. heart defects
                                                            1. most common: antrioventicular septal defect
                                                            2. hearing problems
                                                              1. hypothyrodism
                                                              2. how to break bad news?
                                                                1. practice what you're going to say
                                                                  1. choose the right time
                                                                    1. signal bad news before you dive in
                                                                      1. accept silence for a bit
                                                                        1. decide what to do next
                                                                          1. Salem was send to Sharjah city for humanitarian service
                                                                            1. their mission
                                                                              1. reduce the cause of varies disabilities through early intervention
                                                                          2. how to deal with down syndrome
                                                                            1. financial aspects
                                                                              1. education
                                                                                1. equipments
                                                                                  1. treatment
                                                                                    1. insurance
                                                                                    2. behavioral aspect
                                                                                      1. stubborn
                                                                                        1. attention problem
                                                                                          1. compulsive behavioral
                                                                                2. nondisjunction: failure for chromosomes to separate during anaphase
                                                                                  1. in meiosis 1
                                                                                    1. 90%
                                                                                    2. in meiosis 2
                                                                                      1. 10%
                                                                                    3. failure of duplication: one chromosome fails to duplicate during S phase
                                                                              2. structure of chromosome
                                                                                1. normal
                                                                                  1. abnormal
                                                                                    1. deletion
                                                                                      1. duplication
                                                                                        1. inversion
                                                                                          1. translocation
                                                                                            1. balanced
                                                                                              1. unbalanced
                                                                                          2. can be performed by taking any cell like: amniotic fluid,blood, bone marrow and placenta
                                                                                            1. other tests
                                                                                              1. screeniing test
                                                                                                1. detects risk for pregnancy to have down children baby. done in first and second trimester.
                                                                                                  1. uses ultrasound
                                                                                                    1. uses maternal serum screening
                                                                                                    2. genetic counseling
                                                                                                      1. process
                                                                                                        1. evaluating family history
                                                                                                          1. evaluate medical history
                                                                                                            1. genetic tests
                                                                                                              1. analyze blood samples and determine whether you, your partner or your child carry genes for certain inherited disorders.
                                                                                                      1. chromosome types
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