Provide parents with information about disabilities
Parent to Parent is a program
2 ways to diagnose chromosomal
abnormalities in newborns
Test to identify and evaluate the size, shape, and
number of chromosomes in a sample of body cells.
How performed
The cells to be tested are acquired, the
sample is placed in a dish and is cultured,
the division is arrested during
metaphase, the sample is then examined
under the microscope after being
stained. Stained sample is photographed.
A computer software is used to arrange
When performed
When a woman experiences miscarriages or infertility.
When an infant has congenital abnormalities.
To check a developing baby for chromosomal abnormalities before birth.
Physical Examination
Checking for distinctive facial features
Head circumference \\ Distance between the eyes
\\ Length of the arms and legs \\ Neurological or
ophthalmological tests.
X-rays, Computerized tomography (CT) scans, or
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Test to detect chromosomal abnormalities
Diagnostic Tests
Chorion villus sampling
Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS)
Placental biopsy
Screening Tests
Blood test + Ultrasound (nuchal
translucency) = 1st trimester
Blood test = trimester 2
Losing the pregnancy (miscarriage) \\
Emotional, social, or financial
consequences of the test results \\
Tension within the family .
Advancing maternal age. \\ Having had one child with Down syndrome.
\\ Being carriers of the genetic translocation for Down syndrome.
Psychosocial effects
Repetitive and obsessive-compulsive behaviors
Sleep-related difficulties
Oppositional, impulsive, and inattentive behaviors
General anxiety.
Dysmorphic feature
Difference of body structure,
can be related to a congenital
disorder , genetic , or birth
Chromosomal abnormalities
Eupliod : Normal (2n)
Polypliody : Extra set of
the entire genome (3n , 4n)
Aneuploidy – the
number of
chromosomes is not a
multiple of the
normal haploid
Monosomy – one
member of a
chrmosome pair is
missing (2n-1)
Trisomy – one
chrmosome set
consists of 3
copies of a
Deletion- loss of a segment
of a chromosome.
Inversion– Reversed order of a
Dublication– an extra copy of a
chromosomal segment.
Translocation -Transfer of a
segment of a chromosome to
another one.
Turner syndrome \\ Down
syndrome \\ Edward syndrome \\
Patau syndrome
Genetic counseling
Process by which the patients or relatives at risk of an
inherited disorder nature of the disorder, the options open to
them in management and family planning. This complex
process can be separated into diagnostic and supportive
Neonatal resuscitation
the intervention after a baby is born to help it breathe and to help its heart beat
Drying and covering the newborn baby
to conserve heat \ Assessing the need
for any intervention \ Opening of the
airway \ Aerating the lung \ Rescue
breathing \ Chest compression
Administration of drugs (rarely) .