Corporate Entrepreneurship


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Rebecca Wellard
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Josh Sharpe
Copied by Josh Sharpe over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Corporate Entrepreneurship
  1. The big business of entrepreneurship
    1. Corporate entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, corporate venturing
    2. It is possible for entrepreneurship to occur inside large organisations...and that people in them may be entrepreneurs
      1. Process whereby an individual/group of individuals, in association/instigate renewal/innovation within that orgnaisation
        1. The process whereby the firms engage in diversification through internal development (Cavin and Slevin, 1989)
          1. Drivers
            1. CE is about rejuvenating and revitalising existing firms
              1. CE is a driver of a new businesses within on-going enterprises through:
                1. Innovation
                  1. Joint ventures/acquisitions
                    1. Strategic renewal
                      1. Product, process, administrative innovaions
                        1. Diversification
                          1. Individuals ideas transformed into collective action
                            1. Internal/External corporate venturing
                          2. Intrapreneurs
                            1. "Entrepreneurs who operate inside an established organisation, they're called this because of the special circumstances that attend building a startup within a larger company" (Ries, 2011: 26-27)
                              1. Many have characteristics common with independent entrepreneurs, but their wants may differ
                                1. They need in addition:
                                  1. Multi-disciplinary role
                                    1. Environment
                                      1. Open discussion
                                        1. Create management options
                                          1. Supports
                                          2. 3 stages of journey
                                            1. Formulate and sell
                                              1. Power to advance
                                                1. Maintain momentum
                                              2. Intrapreneurial Culture
                                                1. Barriers
                                                  1. Needs
                                                    1. Key management practices? (Drucker)
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