Motion,Force,moments levers and centre of gravity


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Dayna Ryan
Mind Map by Dayna Ryan, updated more than 1 year ago
Dayna Ryan
Created by Dayna Ryan almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Motion,Force,moments levers and centre of gravity
  1. Motion
    1. Speed
      1. the distance travelled by an object in one unit if time
        1. distance divided by time
          1. the units of speed are m/s or m/s _1
          2. velocity
            1. units of velocity are m/s or m/s-1
              1. distance divide by time
                1. speed in a given direction
                2. acceleration
                  1. the change in speed divided by the time taken for the change
                    1. final speed-first speed dividedby th time taken for the change in speed
                      1. units of acceleration are m/s2 or ms-2
                    2. force
                      1. causes a stationary object to move
                        1. unit is newton=N
                          1. types of resources:magnetic force,electric force,force of gravity,force of friction
                            1. Friction
                              1. a force tha opposes the sliding motion of an object when in contact with another
                                1. advantages:slows you are going to fast in a car.slows you down when you are going to fast on a bicycle.needed when walking.
                                  1. disadvantages:can give you blisters when walking in new shoesmore fuel is needed in a car bacause when air hits a car it is friction.wears away parts of cars or bicycle
                                    1. reduce friction by lubricants such as oil
                                    2. graph in hard back on difference between weight and mass
                                      1. hookies law:the extensin of an elastic body(a spring)is directly proportional to the force causing the extension
                                      2. moment,levers and centre of gravity
                                        1. calculating the moment of a force=forcw multiplied by perpendicular distance from fulcrum to the line of action of the force
                                          1. levers
                                            1. a ridgid body that can turn about a fixed point called fulcrum
                                              1. study page 292
                                                1. eg:scissors,wheelbarrow and door
                                                  1. law of the lever is when a lever is balanced the sum of the clockwise moments equals the anticlockwise moments
                                                  2. centre of gravity
                                                    1. the centre of gravity of an object is a point in the object through all the weight of an object appears to act.
                                                      1. equilibrium
                                                        1. when an object is balanced and still,the object is called equilibrium
                                                          1. the three stages of equilibrium
                                                            1. stable equilibrium:the ball will return to the same position if given a slight push
                                                              1. unstableequilibrium:the ball will not ruturn to the same position if given a slight push
                                                                1. neutral equilibrium:the ball will to a similar position is given a slight push
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