ICT Revision


Basic Revision Notes on: RFID Tags Bar Codes Data Protection Act
Mind Map by MTompkins, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by MTompkins over 10 years ago

Resource summary

ICT Revision
  1. Data Protection Act
    1. 8 Principles: Data should....
      1. Be Fairly and lawfully processed
        1. Be Processed for limited purposes
          1. Be adequate, relevant and not excessive
            1. Be accurate and up to date
              1. Be kept for a limited time
                1. Be Processed in your line of rights
                  1. Be securely held
                    1. Not to be transferred to other countries outside the E.U. that do not have adequate data protection
                    2. Basic Info
                      1. Doesn't protect personal data but does protect the rights of the owners of the personal data
                        1. If the data hasn't been complied with the 8 principles, the owner of the data has the right to complain and claim compensation
                      2. Bar-Codes
                        1. Advantages
                          1. Cheap to Use for products
                            1. Automatically updates the stores database when the product@s barcode is scanned
                            2. Disadvantages
                              1. The code can break and become faulty, causing the computer to read the code wrong or not at all
                                1. The barcodes may become corrupt and have to be entered in manually, wasting time
                                  1. The barcode doesn't hold a lot of information about the product
                                    1. The barcode has to be manually scanned to update the database/system
                                    2. How it Works
                                      1. 12 numbers in the barcode
                                        1. 1st number-Product Type
                                          1. 2nd-6th number-Manufacturer code
                                            1. 7th-11th number- Product Code
                                              1. 12th number- Check Digit
                                              2. Has a quiet zone to determine the speed of the scan
                                                1. Each section of 7 bars/gaps represents a number
                                                  1. The scanner reads the code, converts it into a number and retrieves the information linked to that number
                                                2. RFID Tags
                                                  1. Advantages
                                                    1. Can be read from up to 100ft
                                                      1. Carries more information than a bar code
                                                        1. Transfers data faster than a barcode
                                                          1. Automatically updates the system/database without the need of manually scanning it
                                                          2. Disadvantages
                                                            1. More expensive to use than a barcode
                                                            2. How it Works
                                                              1. 3 main parts
                                                                1. Antenna
                                                                  1. Transponder
                                                                    1. Receiver
                                                                    2. The scanner reads the signals emitted from the RFID Tag
                                                                      1. Data is transmitted along these signals
                                                                    3. Radio Frequency Identification Tags
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