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Effects of Plague
A-Levels 14th Century History Mind Map on Effects of Plague, created by jacksearle on 01/05/2013.
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14th century history
14th century history
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Effects of Plague
Plague effectively finished in 1351
Lots of fornication at this time - celebrating survival
Life improved vastly for survivors
Clothing, Housing, food all improves
Food prices fall dramatically
Peasants had access to high quality food much more often
Birth rate rose immediately after plague
Plague Returns
1361 Pestis Secunda
Hit children born after first plague very hard
Had no previous resistance
Adults who survives 1st one seem fine
Immune in some way
25% death rate appox
Dies away within a year
1369 Pestis Tertiary
Mainly in the summer
Then recurrent plagues every summer til 17th Century
Royals + Parliament always move away in summer to avoid it
Last Major outbreak in 1665
Particularly countryside not towns
Population levels
it's thought that if plague was only in 1348-50 - population wouldve recovered by 1360
Due to recurring plagues and low birth rates, didn't actually recover til late 16th Century
After Original Plague, third die, 5 mil down to 3.5 mil approx
Life expectancy
13th/14th Century - L.E is 35-40
Late 14 Century - down to 20 - due to a lot of child deaths
1400 gets back up approx 30
14th century, if you make it past 12, could expect to live til 50, child deaths skew figures
Wages + Prices
Wages rise
Less people around to do work, have to pay peasants more
Most peasants were serfs - belonged to Lord - would be returned if ran away
Changed - travelling serfs would be accepted by Lords,
Less people around, needed workers
Lords wanted as many workers as possible, would promote serfs to freemen/offer higher wages to gain/keep workers
Prices fell
Lords paying higher wages and receiving less money for goods
Ordinance of Labourers 1349 - issued by King Edward II
1351 Statute of Labourers - issued by parliament
Both laws stated that wages have to be paid at pre black death rate
Laws were not effective, shows us Lords didn't like what was happening
Sumptuary Laws 1363
Outlined what peasants were not allowed to wear
Silver buckles, silk, fur coats, purple/blue
Nobels were worried about gap between rich and poor narrowing
Punishment was a fine
However richest peasant just chose to pay fine
Helped peasants to gain status
law completely backfires
Case study
Farnham Caprenter
1346 earning 3d a year
1364 earning 5d a year
Stop using 3 field crop rotation
Instead use only decent fields
crop yield increases = more food = lower prices
Heriot Tax
Land changed hands often due to plague
tax had to paid, usually your best cow
Lords had a lot of cows
Kept them and farmed them
Good because it requires less people to look after them
First introduction of hedges, keep cows in fields, make ownership more clear
Lots of men with important jobs had died
Bakers, blacksmith etc
Would've been assisted by family
Females take over male roles
Women weavers, higher positions within trade
Women better able to provide for selves
no longer need to marry young for financial support
Woman can marry who they want due to having money - not Father's choice
Leads to women marrying later
Decreases birth rate
Case study
1379 Sheffield
2 women blacksmiths
unheard of
People started to question beliefs
Church said plague was God's punishment
yet many priests died
People still believe in God - no choice
Just start to ignore priests, shown as useless
People wanted more personal relationship with God
Rich enough people hired chantry priests to live with them
very well paid - only one service a morning
Appealing option to priests at the time
Age at what you could become a priest fell 25-20
Get many young + old widowed men becoming priests
Due to not being able to get married
End up with many illiterate priests
Increases lack of faith in them
Leads to protestantism and scientific reasoning
Education of priests 1348-1362
4 new colleges built and opened in Cambridge
2 in Oxford
Specific case study
Taylor worked for lord William Leen
1374 - entered negotiations over wages
Leen's offer non high enough, Taylor declines
Tayleor goes to work for self as ploughman
1374, August + September hired himself out
In those 2 months, earned 15 shillings, same as Leen's offer for a years work
SHOWS - changing status, could negotiate with Lord
Also shows there is a lot of money to be made for peasants at the time
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