Muhammad lived in Bedouin tribe in Mecca, later moved to Medina; tribes were rivals, had polytheistic & animistic beliefs, Mecca & Medina major trading cities
Islam reflected interactions with Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians
Muhammad created Islam after receiving revelations from the angel Gabriel in 610, word of Allah recorded in Qur'an
Caused for worry among the Umayyads, plotted to kill Muhammad
Muhammad left Mecca in fear of murder, went to Medina, flight is known as hijra first calendar year for Islam
Muhammad was very well liked and Islam became an accepted religion
The Umayyds established capital of Baghdad along Tigris which was a major trading city
Beliefs of Islam
The Five Pillars
Zakat - Almsgiving (charitable donations), believe that all belongs to Allah
Sawm - Fasting during the month of Ramadan
Hajj - the pilgrimage to Mecca
Salat - Pray five times a day facing Mecca, wash before praying
Shahada - testimony and declaration of faith to Allah
Egalitarian compared to other religions, made appealing for converts
Creation of dhows made trade easier especially with lanteen sails
The Spread of Islam
Military actions such as the invasion of India spread the religion mainly because of egalitarian thinking
Muslims in India set up diasporic communities in India, which helped aid in trade and conversion to the religion
Merchant trade along Silk Road, Sub - Saharan trade, Indian Ocean helped spread the religion, esp in the Asian islands
Missionaries spread the religion especially sufi mystics