After the death of Antony and
cleopatra Octavian sought to
restore order to the republic
He believed that the saftey and wellbeing of the state depended on im personally
on his personal and individual ability to
look after the state
First Augustan Settlement
27 BC
Renounced all powers and provinces
Senate protested and granted him
Name of Augustus and Title of Princeps
First Citizen
Whats in the name?
used to describe sacred things, temples, linked to Auguries
the role of Augustus as a leading citizen was
not an official part of roman government
no way to describe this new position and it
findamental way of describe this new position and its
fundamental importance to the state other than in
theological / divine terms
no longer be viewed in simple
human terms somewhere between
mortal and divine
Proconsul Imperium
over parts of the Empire which required military defence
frontier territories
Army given to him
food source
Had power to legates
make war
conclude treaties
continued to be elected to consulship each year
giving imperium in Rome and Italy
Civic Crown and Golden Shield
What is it?
The Coronoa Civica
Standard award for saving the life of a citizen in battle
Saving empires life
the greatful survivor would hence forth
treat and respect his saviour as a father
Patria Potestas
owns people
state under his control
Golden Shield
Pronounced the moral Authority and qualities of Augustus
Like Aeneid
31 - 27
Held power of triumvir back by Oath of Allegiance
Held Consul every year
odd as usually only held twice
The Second Consitutional Settlement
23 BC
Augustus was away in his provinces, but in 23 BC two events too place which forced him to reconsider his poition
a Serious conspiracy against him by Varro Murena and
Fannius Caepio highlighted senatorial resentment of his
perpetual consulship which limited their ambitions
He became dangerously ill and this made his reconsider the
tiring day to day buisness of being consul
Resigned consulship
compensated in two ways
proconsul power recognised as superior (maius)
this enabled compete control over the army
granted tribunician power for life without a colleague
enabled him to veto, legislate and to oficially help citizens
How might we describe Augustus position in 27 - 23 BC
first citizen
Tutela or Cura
Guardian or Protector
Pater Patiae
father of the country
Later power
12 Bc
Pontifex Maximus
Lepidus died
allowing Augustus to become head of priesthood
2 BC
Pater Patriae
father of the people
honorific title that
Augustus veiwed as the
highpoint of his carrer