4.2 - Energy changes during SHM 4.3 - Forced Oscilliations and Resonance
Physics HL (4 - Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves) Mind Map on 4.2 - Energy changes during SHM 4.3 - Forced Oscilliations and Resonance, created by wondersnail on 22/03/2014.
4.2 - Energy changes during SHM
4.3 - Forced Oscilliations and
Considering a swinging pendulum:
at the maximum placement from O
the pendulum has maximum
potential enery and minimum kinetic
energy. when the pendulum is at the
equilibrium position, O, is has
minimum potential energy and
maximum kinetic energy
Damping- When a system has to
do work against opposing forces
such as air resistance and
friction it will lose energy and
thus oscilliate less.
For example cars have dampers between
the body and the wheels. Their purpose is
to damp the oscilation caused by bumps in
the road
Natural frequency, f0 - the
frequency by which a
system would oscillate if
not disturbed; when a
pendulum is lift and
Forced oscillation- when a
system is forced to oscillate
in a frequency other than its
natural frequency
Resonance- Forcing a
system to vibrate at its
antural frequency will
increase its aplitude